

There are two known types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2.

Type 1 Diabetes is an autoimmune condition which causes the immune system to turn on itself by attacking the beta cells of the pancreas. These beta cells are responsible for the production of insulin. As a result of Type 1 Diabetes, the pancreas produces very little insulin.

Type 2 Diabetes is a chronic condition where the body is unable to regulate the amount of glucose in the blood. This is generally a result, in part, of insulin resistance. This causes blood sugar levels to be higher than normal, which can cause certain symptoms to emerge.

政府统计处公布的统计数字 美国糖尿病协会 揭露.2012年有100万美国人患有糖尿病. 在这些人中,大约有8人.100万人还不知道自己得了这种病.

Diabetes is often called the ‘silent killer’ as many of the symptoms can be easy to miss. Yet rising blood sugar levels that remain untreated can act like a poison on your body.

The best way to know whether your blood sugar levels are at risk is to ask your doctor for a blood sugar test. 然而, there are also some common symptoms to watch for.


如果你觉得需要经常小便, especially if you get up during the night to use the bathroom, 这可能是糖尿病的症状之一. High glucose levels force fluids out of your cells, which are flushed into the kidneys. The kidneys then work overtime in an effort to rid your body of excess glucose in the blood, which results in more frequent trips to the bathroom. It may also lead to dehydration if lost fluids aren’t replenished.


Feeling thirsty all the time could be your body’s way of trying to manage high blood sugar levels. As your kidneys try to flush out excess glucose your tissues may become dehydrated, 是什么让你感到口渴. 你喝得越多,就越需要小便. 然而, 糖尿病会造成恶性循环, 小便越多, 为了避免脱水,你需要喝得越多.


There are a number of conditions that can cause skin problems, 但有时糖尿病可能是罪魁祸首. 脖子周围的皮肤变黑, 腹股沟, or armpits is a condition known as acanthosis nigricans that can sometimes be caused by insulin resistance. 同样的, 皮肤发痒有时可能是糖尿病的征兆, although it may also be caused by poor circulation or other skin conditions like eczema.


High glucose levels make it more difficult for your body to heal. If there are excessive amounts of glucose in the veins and arteries, 血管有可能受损. The result is that infections, cuts, sores, and bruises don’t heal as quickly as they should.


血糖过高会导致视力模糊. The lens in the eye can begin to swell in people with excessive glucose levels, which can cause blurry vision or may sometimes feel as though you’re looking through a cloudy film and are unable to focus. Some people may also see floaters or flashes of light. Before you rush out to get your eyes tested for new glasses, 花点时间检查一下血糖水平. 如果你的血糖水平得到控制, 你可能会发现你的视力问题可以得到纠正.


As your blood sugar levels fall, you might experience excessive pangs of hunger. Plummeting blood sugar levels make your body believe it hasn’t been fed, which leads it to crave more glucose that your cells need in order to function.


Bacteria and fungi thrive in sugar-rich environments, so it’s no surprise that people with excessive blood sugar levels often suffer from recurring infections. Yeast or Candida infections are the most common types of infection in women, 还有尿路感染. 在男性, 反复出现的股癣可能是个问题, although diabetics are also more susceptible to infection from slow-healing cuts and sores.


Feeling tired and worn down all the time, even after sleeping, is a common symptom of diabetes. 如果你的细胞不能吸收糖, they are deprived of the body’s primary source of energy, 是什么让你感到疲惫不堪.


Tingling in your hands or feet could be a signal that nerve endings are being damaged by uncontrolled diabetes. 同样的, any burning pain or swelling in the hands or feet could also be a sign of nerve damage. The faster you get your glucose levels under control, the more likely it is that the condition is reversible.


Remember, not every diabetic will need insulin to control blood sugar levels. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) states that 16% of diagnosed diabetics control symptoms with diet and exercise alone while 57% take oral medication to keep glucose levels controlled.

If you’re experiencing any of the symptoms mentioned in this article, make an appointment with your Family Medical Center provider and have your blood sugar levels tested. 你不控制糖尿病的时间越长, the greater the risk of developing other chronic conditions like heart disease, 肾脏疾病, 或者其他严重的并发症.

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